PROFILE: Megan Houston, Resilience Director, Palm Beach Co., FL

Megan Houston
Resilience Director
Palm Beach Co., FL
Megan Houston is a South Florida native with an energy efficiency, environmental law, and community development background. As Palm Beach County’s Office of Resilience Director, Megan oversees the County’s climate mitigation, climate adaptation, and sustainable development initiatives. Prior to this role, Megan was the Multifamily Program Manager for the Institute for Market Transformation, a non-profit in Washington, DC that removes market barriers to energy efficiency in buildings. Megan has worked as a Legal Fellow with the NYC Department of Environmental Protection and as a Legal Intern for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Megan holds a J.D. from Brooklyn Law School, a Master of Science degree in Urban Environmental Systems Management from Pratt Institute, and a Bachelor of Design degree from the University of Florida. Megan is thrilled to be back in Palm Beach County where she was born and raised. She and her husband have a two-year-old son who keeps them busy reading truck-themed books, playing outdoors, and dancing to “Baby Shark.” In her spare time, Megan is experimenting with growing vegetables and native landscaping.