PROFILE: Faith Mullins, Sustainability Educator, Little Rock, AR

Faith Mullins
Sustainability Educator
Little Rock, AR
Faith Mullins became Little Rock’s Sustainability Educator when she graduated college two years ago. She educates the community on recycling and stormwater best practices through presentations, tours, and media communication. She serves as staff support for the Little Rock Sustainability Commission and helps commissioners with projects such as energy tracking and benchmarking, LED streetlight upgrades, fleet EV conversion, and solid waste long-range planning. Another fun project she is involved with is the City’s open data policy. The City is trying to harness data to develop projects that can improve the quality of life in the city’s urban core. So far the Open Data group has performed streetlight canvasses and vegetation cleanups in some of their higher risk neighborhoods. In her spare time Faith co-leads a group called Plastic Free Little Rock, is a group leader for Little Rock’s Citizens Climate Lobby chapter, and she dedicates an excessive amount of time to exploring the outdoors in the Natural State!