EPA Awards SSDN with Multi-Environmental Media Environmental Finance Grant (EFC) for Region 4

SSDN to expand its Southeast Sustainable Recovery Center to serve local communities across the region with support for accessing federal funding.

Reference: Press Release from Biden-Harris Administration

Last week, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the Environmental Protection Agency’s selection of Environmental Finance Centers around the country. Environmental Finance Centers provide technical assistance to communities to access federal funding for infrastructure and greenhouse gas reduction projects that improve public health and environmental protection. 

SSDN was selected to serve Region 4 (serving Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee) as a Multi-Environmental Media Environmental Finance Center. This role will allow SSDN to expand its role as a convener of local government and nonprofit partners, and technical assistance provided by the network’s Southeast Sustainable Recovery Center.

In addition to the work performed as the Environmental Finance Center for Region 4, SSDN will continue to serve local government practitioners across the entire 10-state region with support for accessing federal funding. SSDN will also continue to work with partners from across the region to build capacity for bringing in more resources for equity-centered sustainability and resilience projects.

SSDN will work with EPA in the coming weeks to finalize the details of the Environmental Finance Center award and will be in touch with more details in the new year.

For more information or for questions, please contact Meg Jamison at meg@southeastsdn.org