Urban Agriculture
Urban agriculture can range from rooftop gardens to large-scale brownfield site or vacant lot reuses.
Read MoreEducation vs. Social Marketing
A team from Mecklenburg County’s Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA) put Doug McKenzie‐Mohr’s behavior modification theory to the test by developing a “lights out” campaign for County employees. McKenzie‐Mohr’s “Community Based Social Marketing” (CSBM) is considered an attractive alternative to information‐based campaigns.
Read MoreRenewable Energy Planning
Generating electricity from Renewable Energy (RE) sources can play a significant role in advancing cities sustainability goals and reducing carbon outputs.
Read MorePublic-Private Partnerships 101
The term “public private partnership” is elusive, because it can take many contractual forms, address any number of local initiatives, and be subject to local guidelines like procurement, zoning, and tax increment finance arrangements.
Read MorePROFILE: Emily Barrett, Sustainability Officer, Cary, NC
Emily Barrett of Cary, NC is big on collaboration and sharing to advance southeast sustainability.
Read MorePartnership for Resilience and Planning (PREP)
This project launched the Partnerships for Resilience and Empowered Planning (PREP) program to provide education on community resilience planning, promote network collaboration and to developed an online Community Resilience Planning Handbook for communities across the Southeast.
Read MoreImproving Recycling Through Social Marketing
This project will guide the eight participating communities through planning, development, and implementation of a community-based social marketing (CBSM) campaign by providing expert-level educational resources that are tailored to serve the specific goals and needs of each community.
Read MoreBuilding a Sustainability Team
Boiled down, building buy-in in any situation is about showing value. Managing those political and interpersonal relationships to show how important sustainability is in a thriving, competitive city is intense. Sustainability Directors, it’s time to borrow skills from salesmen, politicians, and marketers.
Read MoreAdapting to Heavy Rains in Western North Carolina
In September 2004, Western North Carolina was significantly impacted by floods and landslides caused by two major hurricanes. The cost was high. Eleven lives were lost, 140 homes were destroyed and more than 16,000 homes were damaged in the Asheville area and surrounding counties.
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