SSDN Members are Ready for 100
Despite a reversal in policies around fighting climate change at the federal level, cities and counties across the nation are declaring that they are still committed to clean energy.
Read MorePROFILE: Glen Hadwen, Sustainability Manager, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Glen understands the importance of preparing for climate resilience.
Read MorePROFILE: Jane Gregory, Pollution Prevention Coordinator, Orange County EPD
In 2010, Orange County hired Jane as a contractor to develop and manage a Residential Energy Efficiency incentive program focused on changing energy use behavior.
Read MorePROFILE: Jeremiah Leroy, Sustainability Officer, Buncombe Co., NC
Jeremiah LeRoy became the Sustainability Officer for Buncombe County in 2017, bringing with him to the job a wealth of experience in finance, tax, and IT departments.
Read MorePROFILE: Amber Weaver, Sustainability Manager, Asheville, NC
I got into sustainability because I love it. When I went to college I wanted to do things to help the world and community. I have a great love for the outdoors. Getting where I am now was a natural process. I’ve worked in water resources, with Keep America Beautiful, and on recycling and waste efforts. All of that has culminated in the work I do now.
Read MoreGreen Minds Think Alike
In these peer-to-peer interviews, Kris Stenger, Sustainability Director at the City of Winter Park, Florida, has a series of conversations with SSDN members at the 2017 Annual Meeting in Durham, NC.
Read MorePROFILE: Mary Pat Baldauf, Sustainability Manager, Columbia, SC
Mary Pat Baldauf has always take on life’s surprises and challenges with a positive outlook and dedication to overcome them.
Read MoreSustainability Workplace Challenge
This project is collaboratively developing a sustainable business challenge for ten communities to implement.
Read MoreEquity and Energy Collaboration
This project provides a library of resource materials that address the issues, challenges and opportunities of energy equity for our low income communities.
Read MoreCASE STUDY: Innovation in Equity and Energy Efficiency
SSDN members participated in a project that used energy efficiency as a framework to more deeply understand how to incorporate equity goals into sustainability programs and initiatives.
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